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Burn a folder to a DVD from the command line

Post image for Burn a folder to a DVD from the command line

by Steve Wiseman on January 6, 2012 · 20 comments

in Tips,Tools,Utility

Attention: This utility has been updated. The command line arguments here are out of date. Click Here for info on the new release

This week we have a question from Melissa:

“Hi Steve. Got a really quick question. Previously you had an article that showed how to burn an ISO from the command line. My question is, what about a folder? I want to simply burn a folders contents to a DVD once a week. Any simple way to do this?”

Good question Melissa. I too have been looking for something like this.

Most of the DVD/CD burning software is not free.

That is not a big problem…but I would think that the simple process of copying a folder to a DVD or CD shouldn’t cost me $49!

So what to do? Have the IntelliAdmin team make one for you!

This first version we wanted to be as simple as possible, so it only does one thing: Burn a folder to a disk.

-You specify a drive, and a folder.

-It burns it and closes the session on the drive

-If it fails, the program will return 1

-If it succeeds the program will return 0

This means you can create conditional statements in a batch file too.

How do you use it?

Once you grab it from our downloads page you can call it like this from the command line:

BurnDisk.exe E: C:\Backup

Where ‘E:’ is the DVD/CD drive letter, and C:\Backup is the folder you want to back up.

It will automatically set the volume name to the current date. It will then zip through your specified folder and burn the contents to the CD or DVD:

Write CD DVD from the command line

You can use the ERRORLEVEL value for conditional statements in your batch file (Like send you an email if it fails)

Here is an example bat file that checks the result of the BurnDisk.exe output:


REM Backup our files to DVD or CD ROM

burndisk.exe e:\ c:\Backup

REM Check our result




This is version 1.0 so it is quite simple – but for many situations I think it will work perfect.

Let us know what “Must Have” features you want to see in 1.1

It has been tested on Windows Vista, 2008, and 7. It should work on 2003 and XP (With the latest patches) but we have not had a chance to try it on those platforms yet.

Get it from our downloads page

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{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Melissa January 6, 2012 at 1:46 pm

I am totally blown away Steve. I never expected a free app. Thanks to you and your team for creating this little utility. It is exactly what I am looking for.

I already tried it out and it works perfect for my needs.

2 Steve Wiseman January 6, 2012 at 1:47 pm

No problem Melissa,

Glad it helped out.


3 Mike Richardson January 6, 2012 at 1:47 pm

Got to be the one to ask…will this work under Windows 2000?

4 Steve Wiseman January 6, 2012 at 1:49 pm

No, it will not work under 2000. You need to have the IMAPI2 interface from Microsoft…I don’t think that was available until later service packs of Windows XP….so even with a vanilla install of XP, it will not work. You need to have the latest patches.

Still have not had a chance to test on an XP system. Please post here if you have tried it and it works. Thanks!

5 Steve Wiseman January 6, 2012 at 2:01 pm

OK…Just tested on one of our machines:

To get this to work under XP, you need to have Service Pack 3 installed, and then download and install this IMAPI2 package from MS:

After that it will burn fine.

6 Jimmy January 6, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Great tool steve. Just tried it on a 2008 system here and it works great. Already working on my batch file to automate this sucker!

7 Mr Pumpkin January 7, 2012 at 12:03 am

Works like a charm steve. Thanks for the freebie.

8 David Norbot April 11, 2012 at 5:36 pm

This utility is great! Not only does it work on CD and DVD, but also Blu-Ray. I have a task that is set to go off every night that takes a folder and burns it to Blu-Ray automatically. All the user has to do is swap out CD’s in the morning.

The only idea I have for the next version, ejecting the CD tray after completion. Great job!

9 Steve Wiseman April 11, 2012 at 8:32 pm

Hello David. Good idea. I will see if this is possible. Is your email address on the posting correct? If not send me an email at so I can notify you if we get this feature added.

Thanks, Steve

10 Austin A July 9, 2012 at 2:58 pm

I work for a company that sends PhotoBooths out to weddings. I’d like to use this program as it fits my needs perfectly, except for one thing. I need to be able to set my own Disc label. Normally the current date would be just fine but often times we get done at midnight, then the label would be the date after the wedding. If you could do this that would be awesome! I think this could be handy for many other people as well. I know that I can just use Window 7’s built in burning feature but I have created an AutoHotKey script that walks our technologically challenged employees through the process.

11 Alex February 28, 2013 at 10:18 am

Does this utility overwrite / erase previous files? That is, can I use this with RW media and just keep replacing the file on the disk? I don’t need off-site storage, just off-hard-drive. So I am hoping to have a script replace the file on the DVD every day with the latest backup file I made – all automated, so I can fire & forget.

12 Steve Wiseman February 28, 2013 at 11:52 am

Hello Alex,

I don’t think so. We would need to add an ‘Erase’ operation to the command line tool. Still, give it a try and let us know if it does erase. I don’t have any erasable media here to test.

We will look at adding this in the next version.



13 Jo May 9, 2013 at 3:24 am

Hello steve,
It just works in win 2008 and fortunately highly customizable.

14 Jeremy June 9, 2013 at 1:46 pm

I would like to be able to customize the Volume Name. I am also curious if it closes the CD out or leaves it open. I have a need to be able add files to an existing CD.

15 Jeremy June 9, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Save the two features I would like (and I saw an error about volume name, so I might try just adding it), the utility is great and helping me help make someone else’s life a little bit easier. Thank You.

16 Steve Wiseman June 10, 2013 at 8:15 pm

Hi Jeremy,

It closes the DVD. Those are two great ideas.



17 Colin June 18, 2013 at 7:47 am

Please advise if version 2 available.

18 Magdy November 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm

the world needs more people like you Steve 🙂

19 Steve Wiseman November 14, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Thanks Magdy, you are so kind.

Just FYI Everyone, a new version has been released. You can find it here:

20 James Zaler February 26, 2014 at 3:10 am

I love the idea, but it seems to be missing something. I want to use this to automate snapshots of a database and burn them daily to a dvd, each snapshot in its own folder. How do I burn to a subfolder on the dvd, so that c:\2014-02-22 burns to e:\2014-02-22 and not just dump everything in e:\


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