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Network Administrator

This week we have a question from Mark: “Hi Steve. I have been using Network Administrator for a while now, and I was looking for a way to disable file encryption. Here is my situation. From time to time we have employees who get adventurous, or are overly paranoid. They decide to encrypt a folder. […]


A few weeks ago I wrote an article about seeing who logged on to a computer. After many of you emailed me, I started to investigate how accurate the script was – and it turns out not so much. That script uses a WMI object to get its information. It returns what windows considers a […]


Back in May John asked: “Hi There Is there a tool that can run and provide a list of “last logon” with date and time, I need something to show like a activity list. It would help re-deploying PC’s from one location to another based on use.” I am glad you asked about this John. […]


Elizabeth asked this week: “Hi Steve, I have been using the free version of Network Administrator for quite a while and I really like it. I was wondering, is there any way you could use this to show me the percentage and amount of space that is free on the C drive of computers on […]


Got a question from Mary this week: “Once in a while we need to let users know we are going to take a server down, or need to do maintenance on the network. In the old days we would use ‘net send’. But it seems now with Vista, and Windows 7 things have gotten a […]


I got a question from Mike this week: “Hi steve. Hope all is well. I am the IT manager at a small bank in Texas. We have lots of patch management tools…so I am not looking for that. Before an audit I would like to quickly force all of my machines to download and install […]


I am not sure if you are aware of it, but starting next year Microsoft is changing their Internet Explorer upgrade policy. Specifically, they will be putting IE updates into the standard automatic update cycle. This means if you have an older version of IE, it will automatically get upgraded. Many organizations have piles of […]


I got a question from Lewis this week: “I hope this email finds you well. I have a plotter here at my company, and the driver is really temperamental. At least twice a week the driver crashes, and then all of the jobs get stuck in the spooler. To fix it I need to stop […]


If you have been using Windows 7 (Or even Vista) for a while, you might have noticed something really annoying. When you have drives mapped in explorer: They don’t show up in a command prompt if it is elevated with administrator permissions: There is a simple reason for this – The feature known as User […]


I got a question from Darren: “Steve, been using the free edition of Network Administrator. Nice tool, but it is missing something we need. I see you have the ability to shutdown and reboot systems, but what about logging off users?” Good question. I remember when I would do after hours upgrades – and one […]


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