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A few weeks back, Patrick sent me an email showing a script he used to track what users had logged on to a machine. In his email he mentioned something: “.. If I am having a problem with a specific person I use “Activity Monitor” and log everything on that machine..” Thanks for the tip […]


Yesterday I received an email from Andrew: “Hi Steve. I have been looking for a really simple utility. I am always on the phone with users, and sometimes it takes forever to walk them through and have them find their IP address or host name. I remember your post about BGInfo, but that program puts […]


We have been working hard on a new remote execution engine for Network Administrator It really is a difficult problem to tackle with Windows 7, Vista, and 2008 in the mix. UAC, and other security features make it nearly impossible get something like this to work properly – but we have come up with some […]


A while a go Wil asked the question: “Is there a tool available in Windows 7 to check and measure wireless signal strength. It would show where your weak areas and dead spots are, using whatever card is built into the PC. Thanks” We actually have had our own tool to do this internally for […]


Back in November we released a free cron service for windows What is it? It is a task scheduler that uses the same format as the unix cron service. The motivation for this tool was that the task scheduler built into windows did not have a good way of moving jobs from one computer to […]


Ryan asked this week: “I have a scenario where an application starts when a particular user (generic admin account) logs on to the console. The problem is that when the same user account is also used to login to an RDP session, on the same server, the service tries to start again, and breaks…Is it […]


A few months ago I received an email from Steve in Ontario: “…I want to round out this junk cleaning by trashing empty directories as well. I have found all sorts of approaches to this, but none are elegant. I am old-school, having started as a UNIX system programmer some … 40 years ago:-) So, […]


Last week I told you about a free utility to empty your recycle bin from the command line. In the comments, a kind person told us about CCleaner. Now normally, I hear a name like CCleaner, and I think of those scam registry cleaners that really don’t do much for you. I took the time […]


Anglelika had a question a few weeks back: “Mr Steve. I need to clear the recycle bin when users log out. Is there any way I can put a command in their logout script to do this? PS. Don’t ask why…just something the boss wants : ()” This is an interesting one. I thought a […]


Got a question from Mary this week: “Once in a while we need to let users know we are going to take a server down, or need to do maintenance on the network. In the old days we would use ‘net send’. But it seems now with Vista, and Windows 7 things have gotten a […]


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